Emerald City Reiki Center e-mcity.org is an Usui Reiki Center offering Jikiden Shoden (1st degree) on two consecutive Sundays each month and Okuden (2nd degree) on one of the following Sundays each month.Call us at 206.725.5495or email us at info@e-mcity.org. for more information. See our about us page.
Upcoming Shoden classes on June 10 and 17, July 1 and 8 2018, July 29 and August 5 2018, August 19 and 26 2018, September 3 and 4 2018 (Labor Day weekend).The cost for Shoden is $350.00 USD.
Upcoming Okuden classes on June 24, July 22, August 12 and September 10 2018. The cost for Okuden is $400.00.
We also offer an apprenticeship Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Mastery level on
an individual basis. Let's have a real conversation about Reiki. Schedule a Reiki treatment.