Jikiden Reiki stands for Reiki teachings from an original authentic
Japanese lineage. This lineage goes from Usui sensei to Dr. Hayashi to
Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi (who started learning Reiki from him in 1938 when
she was 17 years old) to her son Tadao, with whom I took my training in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada last fall. Because Jikiden Reiki was not
passed down through Mrs. Takata and her masters it lacks the
Westernization of Reiki as it is currently taught in the West. Jikiden Reiki allows you to experience a Japanese form of Reiki in its original
beauty and simplicity. All seminars follow exactly the same format so
that Jikiden Reiki is always passed on in its original, simple form.
Jikiden Reiki Shoden and Okuden seminars give you all you need to know
in order to treat yourself and others with Jikiden Reiki .
Jikiden Reiki first level Shoden
You will receive 3 Reiju (attunements). You will learn about:
history of Reiki - Usui Sensei's life
The history of Jikiden Reiki - the Yamaguchi family
objectives of Jikiden Reiki
Gokai -
the five Reiki Principles in Japanese
concept of Byosen
first Shirushi (symbol)
Learn and practice Ketsueki Kokan (blood circulation technique)
Reiki Okuri (a method used to feel the Reiki energy flowing)
Reiki practice and exchange
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Seattle Reiki Seminares are held on weekendss
at Bambu Organic Salon & Spa, 3919 Stone Way Ave N,
Seattle, WA.98103.
Jikiden Reiki Shoden
$350 class seminar fee, Mimimum 2 students ,
maxiumu 10 students per class.
Shoden is a two-day weekend workshop from
7-9p the 1st evening and on the 2nd day
with an hour to hour lunch
always offer payment plans
Email us
or call us at
800-379-8315 to talk about a payment plan No one should ever be discouraged from
taking a Jikiden Reiki Shoden class because of the cost. Energy exchanges are
always welcome. Be creative! Propose an energy exchange or payment plan.
You are welcome to explore o rganizing
a Reiki Seminar for a group in your home or business.
Call or
email us to talk about it.