Reiki Treatments
treatment is a gentle, hands-on healing therapy that transfers the
balancing energy of Reiki through the hands of the Reiki practitioner.
During a traditional Reiki treatment the recipient remains fully
clothed and no oils or other substances are applied to the body.
treatment is noninvasive, non-manipulative, and non-intrusive. While the
focus of Reiki treatment is on the major organs of the body, Reiki
energy reaches and benefits every cell. During Reiki treatment,
the practitioner's hands are placed on the head, the face, the
upper body (from neck to hip) and the
Reiki can also be transmitted from a
distance. Often Reiki relieves pain and acute symptoms rapidly.Chronic problems may require more extensive
treatment. Reiki supports and amplifies both conventional and
Asian medical and non-medical treatments, as well as homeopathic
and naturopathic therapies. Reiki is often effective in
relieving symptoms of hypertension and stress-related
distress. Reiki is immensely relaxing. A full traditional
Reiki treatment generally takes an hour to an hour and a half,
but shorter Reiki treatments are also extremely
beneficial. While the experience of Reiki treatment is
individual, it is often accompanied by a deep feeling of warmth,
well-being, comfort, relaxation, and revitalization. It is a
gentle, mentally and physically balancing treatment
Our body uses the extra energy to help
repair its self quicker than it could otherwise. Many people experience
other benefits including pain relief during the
During a treatment everyone feels something
different: warmth, heat, coolness, comfort, relaxation, and
tingling are often reported. A Reiki Treatment is a
very personal experience and there is no one particular
feeling you should or shouldn't experience.

Mental/Emotional/Psychological Treatments
Psychological or emotional treatments
a very effective way to help yourself through
difficult times or issues. They can be used for
anything from fears, stress and worry to depression,
addictions and severe trauma. The number of
treatments required will be different for everyone,
and the more long-term the issue, generally the
longer it takes to resolve, though usually some
positive effects can be felt from the outset.
Emotional/Psychological Jikiden mental/ emotional/
psychological treatments last from 20 to 30 minutes.
A mental, emotional, psychological treatment is also
available in a Reiki treatment although in a
different form from that in Jikiden .
